Monday, March 5, 2012

7 Months

This is how Charlie is spending his time these days- ALL over the floor. He gets around so fast!

He's working on getting up on his knees. I can't believe this is happening already!

He looks so much like Parker in this one. ^ I really need to post some of Parker's baby pictures - they are twinners; adorable twinners.

He's capable of sitting, but lunges and dives for things, so I don't trust him. He just loves to roll around so he can get whatever he has his eye on.

Other things about Charlie:

He's turned into a horrible night sleeper. (His pleasant attitude during the day (sort of) makes up for it.)

He takes two naps a day.

When he does cry, which is not often, he WAILS. (And has HUGE tears.)

He's eating rice cereal, rice crackers, wheat biscuits, sweet potatoes, squash and applesauce. He actually likes the homemade versions that his brother refused.

He is a drool MONSTER.

He is a snuggle bug.

He still likes other people.

He is very content to play on his own, but LOVES for Jack to entertain him.

He got a pretty nasty cough a couple of weeks ago. Not much sadder than a baby hacking. :(

He loves when Dad gets home.

He has thin, wispy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He has dark, perfectly curled eyelashes. (They did NOT come from me.)

He's between the 80th and 90th (just over 20 pounds) percentiles for everything- very proportioned.

He is such a happy baby- it's contagious!


Maren B said...

Aaaah, I love that you have a big happy baby. Except that he doesn't sleep at night anymore, the little stinker. Well, I guess we knew he couldn't be perfect forever, right?

Penny said...

Hope he remembers how to sleep at night again. Ur blessed that he is a good baby in the daytime or you would go bananas. Love the pics... and Jack's tummy shot. Don't ya wanna do a raspberry on it.


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