Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What's Up?

Jack gets a Big Boy Bed.

It's going better than anticipated. He's only fallen out once. He surprisingly stays in his bed all night. He likes his airplane sheets. I can't believe my BABY is not in a crib. It's so weird to have him just walking around by himself in the morning...
Nap time (which really hasn't existed consistently in a year) is now a joke. I've been trying the "quiet time" thing, but he's not really staying in there. I know y'all are laughing at me, but I'm not that interested in being a stickler about it. So, I will NOT complain. :)

Bed Tents

Jack Hearts Nursery



Jack is totally into babies. Live ones. He has two friends who both have new baby sisters and he asks for them all of the time. He wants to watch them, hold them, kiss them, and touch their faces. Today at an indoor play place (Just Kidn Around), he followed (slash stalked) a little crawling baby. He wanted to kiss her and hug her. It was pretty sweet. Although, her mom didn't seem to appreciate his crusty nose and slobbery kisses as much as Charlie and I do.

So, that's what's up.


Brianne said...

Cute boys! How fun that Jack is in a big boy bed!

Mike and Jennie said...

So fun to have two. They are just darling and I am so glad Jack likes his brother so much.

Julie said...

Cute boys! The transition to the big bed seems so huge. When did our babies become....not babies! We switched Scarlett over to a big bed, and it was so weird to have her walk out of her room when she woke up!

RaeAnn said...

jenna can't believe you went to JKA without us! I keep telling her, it's OK Jenna, don't cry hysterically, I am sure they will invite us next time.
Jack, such a big boy! You can share your germy kisses all day every day with us!

Maren B said...

Whoa, that is weird that Jack is so big! Eva still falls out of her little toddler bed sometimes. Jack's little smirk in his little sweater vest with his little reddish comb-over is a little too much cute.

Penny said...

Jack's in a bed? Noooo... he can't grow up. I recall when your kids got beds. It is so strange that first night, when you say goodnight, over and over and over. Haaaaa!


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