Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 Testing out the hair. This must be what Baby Girl will look like...

Sophie, Kage, Isaac, Cooper, Charlie and Jack
We had Parker's family over for paninis, soup and trick-or-treating. The kids had fun. The adults had fun. Success! Not to mention, it was probably 65 degrees while we walked around outside. It was lovely.
Jack wanted to be Vector! from Despicable Me. It's not a costume you do half-way, so we went all the way. I cannot believe he wore the hair.

Jack had so much fun Trick-or-Treating with his cousins! Charlie had a blast walking the streets at night.
Just like last year, Jack wanted to see what was going on inside everyone's houses. This will only be cute for a few more years. Then it takes a turn into creepy.

Can't get enough of that hair.

And my cute little chicken. (And my cute little Parker.) I'm always shocked when my kids keep things on their heads. Pleasantly shocked.

ps. Not sure what's up with my Blogger. My pics are all messed up. Hope you can follow...


Unknown said...

jacks costume is HILARIOUS! I love it so much! I knew right who he was when I saw him. Of course Charlie is the cutest little chicken :) Glad you guys had fun.

Penny said...

Haaaa... how funny. Glad it was dry weather for YOU. Actually, our rain did stop just in time for trick or treating, but we had just a handful of kids. Sigh.

Maybe we did get a glimpse of your girlie with that wig on Jack. Makes you wonder.

RaeAnn said...

you seriously did a rockin job on jack's costume. I was even more impressed that he kept the glasses on...he must have known how cute he looked!

Maren B said...

I love this post except for seeing Parker in the wig. Gross. Sorry, Parker, it's not personal.


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