Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I took the boys to the zoo one lovely afternoon a couple of weeks ago. We were there the last hour that it was open that day, so it was a dream- front row parking and hardly anyone there! Plus, it was half-price day. Score!

Charlie was stuck in the stroller the whole time, and he didn't even complain.

The "dogs."
Thanks to a sweet looker-on, Jack got to feed the "dogs." It was hilarious. He wanted to give them kisses.

Looking at the leopard.

So Brave!

Wait. Maybe not.

Ok. Now you're just holding people up. Yes. I had to climb up the stairs and convince him to come down. He didn't see a problem. :)

Charlie and Jack (and I) were rewarded with fries for their/our fine behavior.
Boise falls are the BEST! Today it is 70 degrees and sunny. I can't get enough. Soon I will be locked up with THREE kids. We're trying to get out while we can.

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