Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Fourth and Beyond

We had a quiet little 4th of July. We spent the day running errands, going to dinner, and lighting our $10  fireworks. The kids were in bed by 8:30 and it was grand.

Jack, so excited for the fireworks.

This is how Jack really feels about fireworks.
As you can see, they were a bit traumatic.
This is how Charlie feels about our fireworks- slightly underwhelmed.
 That Thursday, we made our way up to McCall to join Jack's favorite people- his cousins.
Isaac, Kage, Jack and Cooper

Hot Tubbin

Sophie and Charlie

The Lake. Jack has asked to go back to the beach every day since we left. (It has been 24 days...)

Wrigley and Ivy (Barrett and Taylre's doggies.)

 Jack throwing rocks into the lake. Weird.
More rock throwing.

Chilly at first.

In heaven in no time.

My water babies.
We can't get enough of this boy.

 We love spending time in McCall... almost as much as our boys do. We're so looking forward to going back up in a couple of weeks!

1 comment:

RaeAnn said...

i love those lamms and i love mccall, thus i loved your post!!


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