Thursday, August 2, 2012


This baby boy is ONE! 
 He (usually) sleeps through the night. Again.
He takes one (hopefully) long mid-day nap.
He's WALKING! (One of the cutest things babies do.)
He LOVES to eat. Anything.
He eats three main meals and nurses about 3-4 times a day. (We're working on weaning.)
He has 7.5 teeth. (not exactly fun for nursing.)
He's not super smiley, so when he does, we soak it up!
He really enjoys playing with toys and plays well independently.
He likes to put toys in other toys and then take them out and then put them in and then...
He gives nice, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses.
He can climb off the couch and is very proud about it.
He and Jack crack each other up.
He knows he's funny.
He's pretty fearless.
He likes to climb.
He LOVES bath time and has to touch every single toy. He's a busy boy.
He still looks so much like Parker, down to the hairline.
He still loves to snuggle.
He likes to be held. Only while standing up.
He seems big, but I don't think quite as big as early on. (We'll see tomorrow at his appt.)
He is very happy and content- has been since day one.
He is loved loved loved and we really can't remember much of life without him.
I can't wait to see who he becomes.
Just look at that face.
We had a family party on Saturday. It was so fun! It's wonderful to be close to family.
Nana with the man of the hour.
Distinguished Guests

Sophie Charlie Cooper Jack Isaac Kage
Melodie and Lisa


The Party Animal

Yes. He is walking!! And doing fish face at the same time. This boy is talented.

Ready for cake!!

Jack is the official candle blower outer.
He wasn't sure it was actual food. So, for 5 minutes he scooped up frosting and wiped it on his tray.
Finally got a taste and then knew exactly what to do.
Monkeys for my monkeys.

He was very appreciative of the celebration and handed out kisses generously.

Mini Party II
We had some friends over last night to celebrate on Charlie's actual birthday. You won't be embarrassed at all for me to know that I left the ice cream cake in a freezer all night that was not properly shut. I didn't know until after people had arrived, 20 minutes of conversation, and we were ready to eat. You can imagine. Parker ran to the store and saved the day. 
Jack was hilarious about blowing out the candle this time. He didn't want to get too close so he couldn't get his breath quite there. Mom had to secretly help and he was very proud.


He didn't hesitate this time. He gobbled that cake right up.
He was super excited about the celebration in his honor.

The men (and baby Lilah) conversing around the garden.
This is how Jack celebrates ALL occasions- throwing rocks.

 Thank you to all who helped celebrate Charlie with us- from both near and far!! We love you all and Charlie is so lucky to have you in his life.



Maren B said...

He is SO cute and SO old now. I can't believe it.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to your little one! He really is so cute in all your photos! It is so much fun celebrating a 1st birthday! What a fun milestone for your family! :)

RaeAnn said...

and when is the third party? you know, when the cake re-freezes, and the arnesens aren't too busy?!?
also, props on the monkey cake and cupcakes! you ARE pinterest!

Brianne said...

Happy birthday, Charlie! Your cake and cupcakes turned out so cute!


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