Monday, September 10, 2012


Happy 3rd Birthday to Jack!
 We appropriately celebrated Jack's 3rd birthday 3 times. He would not be bothered if we celebrated everyday of the year. He loved it. So I loved it.

We started off with a "friends" party this year. He ate up every bit of it. We had water activities, bubbles and chalk. I was so grateful that he asked for doughnuts instead of a cake. (He only mentioned it once, but I'm no dummy. I went with it.) He could not get enough of "Happy Birthday" and was still singing it weeks later.

Blowing out the candles is his favorite part of birthdays. Anyone's birthday. He even blows out invisible candles after he sings "Happy Birthday" to himself.

Remi, Jenna, Jack, Sophie, Charlie, Josie, Jimmy (his cousin, Kage, is somewhere)

Kisses for the Birthday boy from Jenna

Hugs all around

Our Family celebration. More candles!
I'm so grateful that our family is so willing to indulge my 3 year old (read: me).

Finally, His Actual Birthday

Scooter from Grammy and Grandpa.

It's amazing how much a difference one year makes. Last year he didn't want much to do with opening presents. He got it this year and was excited to see what was inside.

Birthday Pancakes

Make a Wish
Jack has grown so much this year. Going from 2 to 3 is quite the jump. Last year, Parker and I were so impressed with the strides he made in his vocabulary, but this year we were blown away.

He's hilarious. Lately he's been flushing the toilet with his foot, like a little monkey. He has to turn back, while his foot is on the handle, to make sure I'm watching and flashes a giant grin.

He's officially potty trained. During the day. But he has lots of accidents. So I guess "officially" is not the right word.

We call Charlie "Charlie Barlie," and Jack's just been referring to him as "Barlie." But he can't say his Rs or Ls, so you can imagine.

He loves his friends. He asks for them, by name, every day. He even asks for their baby brothers and sisters. By name. He has a great memory. Freakishly great.

He loves to make sure all the doors are shut and lights are off, even when you don't want him to.

He's been getting up early in the morning to snuggle with us. Which I don't mind. Until I do.

He'll be starting primary at church in January. I hope it goes better than nursery's been going the past few weeks.

He's actually becoming helpful. Like doing things that actually help. Not just the jobs I give him to keep him out of my hair. He turns off lights, opens doors, picks things up, and runs and gets things for me and/or Barlie. I'm really starting to see why people have kids. :)

He's been more social and more shy than ever recently. Is that weird? Yes. He's obviously becoming more aware of himself and others around him and how they relate to each other. He loves to say "hi, how are you?" to EVERYSINGLE person we pass at the store, but will hide behind Parker's leg when he sees his favorite people in the world, his cousins.

He jumps off things that are higher and throws things further than most people are comfortable with. Parker is NOT uncomfortable with this. :)

Jack hasn't changed much as far as interests go. He still loves to be outside; in the backyard or at the park. He loves to read books. Not much of a TV or movie watcher, no matter how hard I try. ;) He loves to be thrown around and wrestled with. He has to wait most of the day for that, until Dad gets home. He loves to throw a tennis ball on the roof and have it bounce back to him. He loves to swim. He LOVES to throw rocks into any type of water. He loves to jump on trampolines.

What has changed is my love for this amazing little person. I care for him more deeply than ever before. It's a different kind of love than you have for a newborn. It's more complicated. My concerns and dreams for him have changed, and so I guess my love must follow suit.

This little journey called parenthood is pretty incredible; which is the plan, I guess. :)

I love you, my little Jackie Boy. I'm so glad to spend my days with you.


Brianne said...

It looks like Jack had a great birthday! You are such a fun mom!

Maren B said...

Wow. 3 years old. Now he's, like, a real person. I love hearing about him, and I totally get the thing about being both more and less shy than before. That's how Eva is.

Mike and Jennie said...

I can't help but smile and feel happy when I read about your not so baby boy. Such a cutie!


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